Sunday, June 28, 2009


Theses are basically the ghetto version of Pringles. IMO Pringles has nothing to worry about. Lays may have the chip world locked down with all their different flavors but when it comes to chips in a can im going for the pringles all day. Stax are thicker and have kind of a nasty aftertaste. They've recently come out with other nasty flavors that I haven't tried because I can't bring myself to try them. I give these a 4/10. If your looking for more reviews check out these Concert Reviews

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Generic Drink

I know you've seen this one! If anyone shops at kroger or sams club (I think) then you've seen it. I think it tastes relatively good, wither or not it tastes like mountain dew is questionable. Mountain Dew is defintely my favorite non Generic Drink so it's hard for me to say anything else comes close but this does possibly the best job that I've seen.